Email List
SFSS need to communicate globally with its registered students and this email list provides us with that facility. Everybody registred with the list will receive updates about event dates, courses, tutors and anything else of general interest.
We have reconfigured the group to restrict the amount of traffic into your email inboxes and you will only receive a limited number of messages. You can still send a reply but these are all reviewed prior to publication and if of general interest, will be posted to members.
All students booking for the first time will be invited to register with the list. Registration is optional but SFSS strongly recommend you accept if you don't want to miss any important news.
Should you wish to join, just click this link Join the Mailing List. This will redirect you to the group site. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Apply for membership of this group" blue button and enter your "display name" and "email address" in the format shown below:
John Wirtz(space)<>
Once your application is approved, you can add some detail to your profile. It's useful to know your general location, so please add Town, County/Region and country of residence. Please note we will not accept "anonymous" registrations and you are required to add you "first" and "lastname" to your apllication.
Posts are welcome but are reviewd before they are published. If you have comments about Sore Fingers Events or tutor suggestions or ideas that you think are worthy of consideration to improve our events, then feel free to post us a message.