Student Concert CD 2024

SFSS: Kingham Hill School

The Sound Production crew are geared up to record the student Concert Performances and create both a professionally packaged double CD AND for the first time ever, a download (in MP3 or high-resolution formats).
An absolute treasure if you joined one of the performing bands and took part in the Student Concert and an equally precious even if you didn' take part. It's the only bit of live memerobilia one can take away from Sore Fingers, the rest stays in your mind to gently fade over the years. Buy the recording, and you can relive those memories in an instant!

The Sore Fingers Student Concert is available on Double CD (inc download) at a cost of £17.50 including worldwide shipping, or as a download only at £12.50, and will be ready to send around late April 2023. Pre-order now to ensure we press enough CD copies.

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