This page is a collection of links, advice and other useful information that will help you prepare for your first time at Sore Fingers or just help fill the time between courses. If you know of other information that could be provided on this page, please let us know.

Useful information for Sore Fingers
Daily schedule for Sore Fingers Week (PDF)
The typical routine for the Easter five day courses at Sore Fingers. Please note this is subject to minor changes
and you will be issued with a proper timetable
on arrival at SFW.
Daily schedule for Sore Fingers October Weekend (PDF)
This is the typical routine for the October Weekend which is over two days at the end of October every year. Please note this is subject to minor changes
and you will be issued with a proper timetable
on arrival at SFW.
Student reviews
Reviews of previous Sore Finger Weeks written by students. These give an idea of what the
courses are like and what to expect.
Jam etiquette (PDF)
Tips and guidelines on bluegrass jamming, as provided by Paul Hill. Further advice can be found
at Paul's website.
Circle of fifths and Nashville Numbering System (PDF)
Bluegrass music generally revolves around three or four chords. This small dose of music theory helps and provides an introduction to the widely used Nashville Numbering System.

Bluegrass & old-time on the internet
Woodsongs Old-time Radio Hour
Free downloads of videos and podcasts of shows from some of the biggest names in bluegrass, old-time and other roots music.
Bluegrass Country Radio
Online radio station broadcasting bluegrass, gospel, country and related music.
Bluegrass radio
Another radio station, broadcasting bluegrass 24 hours a day.
The Internet Archive
This archive contains hundreds of downloadable concerts from bluegrass and old-time artists, aswell as
rare 78s from the early 20th century.
Berea College Appalachian Sound Archives
Sound and video archives of Appalachian music and culture.
Sugar In The Gourd
Streaming old-time music, 24/7.